I like the way guinea fowls are beautiful
in their own, nonconventional way. That's why I chose them as my favourite design element.
Web Works by Noémi Adorján
This is the event listing
for the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto, with a thumbnail
calendar to control the start day of the listing.
The faciliy that allows the church administrators to maintain the event
list is also a Web application.
It opens with a monthly summary view - the thumbnail calendar on the left allows you to open
the daily views. If you select the location on the left side you'll see the occupancy of the location as well.
To add an event, you need to pick a date from the thumbnail calendar to bring up the detailed view for the
day and click on a time to add an event starting at that time.
When you select your location the view will display the room occupancy for the given day (time slots that
are already spoken for are coloured light orange).

As you might imagine, there are some problems with showcasing web applications coded on the job.
The applications tend to be password protected; they often change. Sometimes they reflect some decisions
I strongly disagree with.
Would you like to check out my resume instead?
Here are two public pieces from my working life. The maintenance pieces for these were much more interesting and challenging, but I can't show them here.
Calendar for a Legal Case (2008)
This is an event listing that lets you see the event details when you click on the event name.
The details contain links to the relevant documents and the details of serving documents (ie emailing
it out to the interested parties).
How do you like my icon for serving documents?
Here's the
live site; in
case it is not there any more, here's a
Store Locator
This is a store locator I built as a single contributor (apart from some interface decisions by the
customers and the management), from getting the tools of distance calculations
to making the design fit with the overall design of the site.
The locator is used within two sites, so it has two "skins":
Locator for craftplace.org (the surrounding site changed, so I can't be as proud of the art of fitting with the existing design as I was when I created the pages)
In case something happened to the live sites, here's a snapsot of a
result page.